关于Michael Jackson的演讲稿~

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一、关于Michael Jackson的演讲稿~

听Michale Jackson的歌,被那激情澎湃的旋律所吸引,进而去街上买了所有能买到的VCD,为其独一无二的舞步着迷。每当听着他的歌,看着他出神入化的舞蹈,心中就会涌起一股激情,就会觉得自己是Invincible的。

喜欢《Remember the Time》里金光闪闪的巫师,其梦幻的舞步连埃及艳后也被他征服; 喜欢Motown 25 周年纪念晚会上的《Billie Jean》MJ第一次向世人展示的太空步,梦魇般的滑行滑出一阵阵尖叫; 喜欢《Thriller》里诡异的场景、幽灵般的舞步; 喜欢 《Who Is It》令人窒息的失落感; 喜欢《Beat It》让汗毛都想跳动的旋律!喜欢《You Rock My World》里水龙头水滴落下的滴嗒声,扫把拖动的节拍,这些看似无关的声音汇集起来又是让人心跳的Dance Music! 喜欢《Stranger In Moscow》的黑白色调,溅落的雨滴划出孤独与无奈... 喜欢《Smooth Criminal》45度的倾角!喜欢《Man in the Mirror》的号召,喜欢《Earth Song》的呐喊,喜欢《Heal the World》的感人动听……

从Michale Jackson的歌声和舞蹈中,我们可以感受到他的极致,倾尽心力去做一件事的专注,不断超越自己的激情,then you'll be amazing, you'll be awesome, you'll be the only one!

谨以此文纪念Michael Jackson, 愿天堂里也有MJ的歌声与梦幻舞步……

二、Malcolm X,有什么演讲?



MJ's Oxford Speech on March 3rd,2001

Thank you, thank you dear friends, from the bottom of my heart, for such a loving and spirited welcome, and thank you, Mr. President, for you kind invitation to me which I am so honored to accept. I also want to express a special thanks to you Shmuley, who for 11 years served as Rabbi here at Oxford. You and I have been working so hard to form Heal the Kids, as well as writing our book about childlike qualities, and in all of our efforts you have been such a supportive and loving friend.

unconditional love that is so necessary to the healthy development of their minds and character. And because of all the neglect, too many of our kids have, essentially, to raise themselves. They are growing more . These hard, cold numbers which for me, wrench the soul and shake the spirit, should indicate to you why I have devoted so much of my time and resources into making our new Heal the Kids initiative a colossal success. Our goal is simple - to recreate the parent/child bond, renew its promise and light the way forward for all the beautiful children who are destined one day to walk this earth. But since this is my first public lecture, and you have so warmly welcomed me into your hearts, I feel that I want to tell you more. We each have our own story, and in that sense statistics can become personal. They say that parenting is like dancing. You take one step, your child takes another. I have discovered that getting parents to rededicate themselves to their children is only half the story. The other half is preparing the children to reaccept their parents. When I was very young I remember that we had this crazy mutt of a dog named Black Girl, a mix of wolf and retriever. Not only wasn't she much of a guard dog, she was such a scared and nervous thing that it is a wonder she did not pass out every time a truck rumbled by, or a thunderstorm swept through Indiana. My sister Janet and I gave that dog so much love, but we never really won back the sense of trust that had been stolen from her by her previous owner.

We knew he used to beat her. We didn't know with what. But whatever it was, it was enough to suck the spirit right out of that dog. A lot of kids today are hurt puppies who have weaned themselves off the need for love. They couldn't care less about their parents. Left to their own devices, they cherish their independence. They have moved on and have left their parents behind. Then there are the far worse cases of children who harbor animosity and grow up. To be sure, I would like them to remember how I always wanted them with me wherever I went, how I always tried to put them before everything else. But there are also challenges in their lives. Because my kids are stalked by paparazzi, they can't always go to a park or a movie with me.

So what if they grow older and resent me, and how my choices impacted their youth? Why weren't we given an average childhood like all the other kids, they might ask? And at that moment I pray that my children will give me the benefit of the doubt. That they will say to themselves: Our daddy did the best he could, given the unique circumstances that he faced. He may not have been perfect, but he was a warm and decent man, who tried to give us all the love in the world. I hope that they will always focus on the positive things, on the sacrifices I willingly made for them, and not criticize the things they had to give up, or the errors I've made, and will certainly continue to make, in raising them. For we have all been someone's child, and we know that despite the very best of plans and efforts, mistakes will always occur. That's just being human. And when I think about this, of how I hope that my children will not judge me unkindly, and will forgive my shortcomings, I am forced to think of my own father and despite my earlier denials, I am forced to admit that me must have loved me. He did love me, and I know that. There were little things that showed it. When I was a kid I had a real sweet tooth -- we all did. My favorite food was glazed doughnuts and my father knew that. So every few weeks I would come downstairs in the morning and there on the kitchen counter was a bag of glazed doughnuts --

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