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《番茄太阳》 课文主要写的是我和盲童明明之间的故事,让作者从盲童乐观开朗的生活态度中学会了积极面对。盲童的善良也让作者深深的感动。明明的笑。明明美好的心灵,就像番茄太阳照亮着作者的心。



Sheryl Crow-Double diet歌词翻译


I live on burgers, Cheetos, and ice cream 我天天吃汉堡包,奇多和冰激凌

Got nothing but lard in my blood stream 我的血液里只有猪油

Guess my sweet tooth was something more than a phase 我想我喜欢吃甜食不是一天两天的事了

Been fueling up on cupcakes and Twinkies 被纸杯蛋糕和奶油蛋糕条塞饱了肚子

Gained so much weight my girl left me 胖得连我的女友都不要我

She said to call her if I ever change my ways 她说如果我改变生活方式才可以打电话给她

I put the pizza away 我扔掉比萨

Went on a diet today 今天开始减肥

I can't wait till I get thin then I'll show her 我等不及要瘦下来,我要证明给她看

I put the pizza away 我扔掉比萨

I'm gonna lose some weight 我的体重开始减轻

I can't wait till I get thin then I'll show her 我等不及要瘦下来,我要证明给她看

I missed you last night at the hotel 我昨晚在酒店里想着你

I even missed your bacon and beer smell 我甚至怀念你身上的熏肉、啤酒味

Then it finally dawned on me how to make things right 我终于明白怎样让生活正常

I pulled up to a fast food venue 我将车停在快餐店

Ordered everything on the menu 点了菜单上的每一样东西

Time to go back home and stuff my face 是时候回家并填满肚子

Picked up a pizza today 今天买了一个比萨

I'm gonna power binge 我要使劲大吃大喝

I'm gonna eat till nothing's left in the fridge 我要消灭冰箱中的一切

I'm gonna hit the buffet 我要去吃自助餐

I'm gonna gain some weight 我要长胖

I can't wait till I get fat then I'll show him 我等不及要瘦下来,我要证明给他看

Been hitting Ben and Jerry's for breakfast 去了Ben 和Jerry家吃早饭

You know I finally got the hang of this Slim Fast 你知道我不再吃速效减肥药

Since you've been gone 自从你走后

I've been gaining/losing so much weight 我胖/瘦了这么多

I've been jogging instead of taking the car 我开始慢跑,不再开车

I've been eating mayonaise straight from the jar 我直接从罐子中挖美乃滋吃

I was making dessert 我开始做甜点

I was off to lift some weights 我开始长胖

Now I'm liking what I see on the scale 我喜欢磅秤上我的体重

So I sent a picture out in the mail 所以我寄了张照片给你

Oh hey look you sent one too 瞧,你也寄了张照片给我

Let's just.. whoa, hey wait / OMG! 就让我们...哇,等等/ 我的天哪(oh, my god)

I saw your picture today 我看到你的照片了

I see you've changed your ways 我看到你改了你的生活方式

You know I think I liked you better the way you were 你知道我更喜欢这样的你

I saw your picture today 我看到你的照片了

I see you lost/gained some weight 我看到你也胖/瘦了

I just called to say don't bother to come back home 我只是想打电话告诉你你不必回家

I just called to say don't bother to come back home 我只是想打电话告诉你你不必回家

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