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楼上。。土豆和墙果能分清么? 土豆是埋地下会炸的那个才是土豆 你说的都是墙果好不好 = = --------- 以下个人方法 图片是已经通关了 通关的时候一棵植物都没损失 先放后面的双发豆子 树桩 剩下的钱第一轮5000只够再买一个墙果 没关系 后面几轮得到的就买墙果 前面几轮僵尸少而且简单 都不可能靠近植物的 等过几轮之后 墙果摆完了 剩下的太远就放地上的那个(不知道叫什么 有刺的那个) 放3个 完美通关 只有2个墙果被啃了几口 其他的完全没问题 僵尸进攻的时候也完全不需要担心 只需要注意右边捡金币银币植物巧克力就好~ ----------- 其实方法很多种 个人也试过几种 个人认为这个是最完美通关的一个方法 一颗植物不损失


经典对白Memorable Quotes fromIce Age: The Meltdown (2006)Manfred: So, still think she's the girl for me?Sid: Sure. She's tons of fun, and you're no fun at all. She completes you.Manfred: Uh, Diego, retract the claws please.Diego: Oh... right... sorry.[Lets go]Sid: You know, if I didn't know you better Diego, I'd think you were afraid of the water.[Diego grabs Sid's neck and strangles him]Sid: OK, Good thing I know you better.Sid: Maybe we could rapidly evolve into water creatures.Diego: That's genius Sid.Sid: Call me, Squid.Sid: [after an elaborate dance sequence which ends in him getting tied up] This is either really good or really bad.Sid: [tied up] This is either really good or really bad.[Sid looks down to see tar pit underneath him]Sid: No, no, no. Me fire-god. Why kill fire-god? A thousand years bad juju for killing fire-god.Female Mini Sloth: Superheated rock from the earth's core is surging into the crust, melting ice built up over thousands of years, causing great floods.Sid: You are a very advanced race. Together we can look for a solution.Female Mini Sloth: [eagerly] We have one. Sacrifice the fire-god.Sid: That's not very scientific.Female Mini Sloth: [pause] Worth a shot.Beaver Dad: [after seeing the ice in the dam crack] Dam.Manfred: This valley was frozen a thousand years ago and a thousand years from now, it'll still be frozen.Eddie: Who will roll on the dung heap with me?Fast Tony: [talking to Stu's empty shell] Stu, we made it.[pause]Fast Tony: Well, *I* made it.Sid: You did it, you kicked waters butt.Diego: No problem. You know, most animals can swim when they're babies.Sid: Yeah but not tigers. I left that part out.Sid: If your species will continue, clap your hands.[clap clap]Sid: We're going to live.[Water rises up to his ankles]Sid: We're goin














转载请注明:甜品网 » 冰河世纪里面爱吃坚果的是什么动物