
月饼 浏览


I am very happy,because the Mid-autumn Festival is coming.During

the days,there are many moon cakes.I love eating moon cake very

much.There are various tastes,such as sweet,salt and so on.I like the

sweet ones,especially the fruit-filled moon cakes.My parents always buy

many for me,because they know I like moon cakes.Besides,moon cake has

good moral.It symbolizes reunion.When I eat the moon cake,I often think

of my big family and my relatives.





I eat mooncakes with my parents.


Eat the mooncakes and enjoy the moon.

赏月应该用enjoy the moon 更贴切。



吃月饼 eat mooncake

烧斗香 Burn bucket,

树中秋 tree Mid-Autumn festival, 

点塔灯 the point tower lights, 

放天灯 put the sky lanterns, 

走月亮 go the moon, 

舞火龙 dragon dance

五、晚上,我们就在院子里赏月,吃月饼 英语

At night, we watch the moon in the yard , at the same time we eat the mooncake together.

At night, we watch the moon in the court, also, we eat the mooncake together.


“中秋节的一项重要活动是赏月,夜晚,人们赏明月,吃月饼,共庆中秋佳节。”的翻译:The Mid Autumn Festival is an important activity is the full moon, night, people admire the moon, eat moon cakes, to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival。

the mid autumn festival的意思是中秋节;important activity的意思是重要的活动。


celebrate:vt.庆祝;举行(婚礼等仪式、庆典)、主持;颂扬,赞美。vi.(不及物动词)庆祝,过节; 举行宗教仪式;欢乐。

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